My team of horses and I happily introduce ourselves.

Who am i?
I am Merel, the Horse Medium. I communicate with horses and by doing that I help solving horse problems. Let me tell you the story of my journey.
A long time ago, when I was 14 yo, I all of a sudden heard the voice of my soul horse. The wise message, that I received that moment, proved to be of big importance later in my life. I longed for a life where I could immerse myself completely in the horse world. But unfortunately, when this soul horse (Eros) died, I left the horse world. The pain was too intense. What I couldn’t escape however, was the fact that I could hear my soul horse’s voice still, from the other side. He kept on giving messages, which helped me heal my sadness and with his help I found my second soul horse (Hippach).
It was important for this new horse to enter into my life because he taught me everything I needed so I could help a lot of other horses. The arrival of this new horse was a crash course in helping traumatized horses. Fear agression, physical complaints, the search of everything a horse truly needs, made the first year quite difficult, but it was worth it every day.
My gift to communicate with horses is my biggest passion. In addition I qualified for science-based knowledge about true equine behaviour and positive reinforcement. I also immerse myself in classical dressage and correct physical training. And I am training to be a Myofascial Release Therapist. All these methods work perfectly together to help horses in a sustainable way. The responds I get from my clients and also my special soul horse Hippach are the best proof. Hippach has, because all of my work, beautifully recovered.
The responds I get from my clients and also my special soul horse Hippach are the best proof. Hippach has, because all of my work, beautifully recovered.
Merel Burggraaf Tweet
What i do
Through my heart I connect with your horse and because of that I am able to directly get to the core of the problem. The healing helps the horse to let go of emotions and trauma. After a reading you immediately know in which direction you need to look for the right solution to help your horse. Further treatment will have more effect because the trauma is out of the way. Your search will be shorter. It saves your horse suffering any longer and it saves you the costs of a long and unnecessary search.

My team

This is the horse that jumped into my life and changed everything. He appeared to be my biggest teacher. Hippach was born in March 2012. Hij is a Royal Dutch Warmblood horse with the best dressage bloodlines (Andretti x Jazz x Aktion) and his height is 1.73 m. People expected far too much of him far too early because of his bloodlines. If you are as sensitive and easily scared as Hippach than this isn’t an easy combination. Hippach couldn’t handle the pressure and violence that was used. I met him when he was 3 years old at the stables where he was ‘trained’. I knew nothing about him when I met him, but I knew he would be my horse from the beginning. And because miracles exist I was able to save him just when live got too hard for him. I gave him a second chance when he ended up at a horse trader.
He was four at that time. Hippach is so sensitive and honest and therefor I was able to research how a horse can be a truly happy horse and a happy animal to work with. You see Hippach in almost all photo’s and video’s on my website. Let me end with a couple of nice things to know about Hippach. I always call him ‘the Hippie Boy’ of ‘Hip’. He is super picky about his food and he kills for carrots (not really of course). Hij loves clickertraining. And he truly puts his heart into our dressage training. He is absolutely no beginners horse and gets really angry when you are mistreating him or are to strict with him. On the other hand he puts is heart into his ‘work’, the biggest and cutest cuddle horse, extremely humorous and a big softy with little children.

Officially this mare is named Someone Special. She is a Hannoveranian mare with a height of 1.70 m and as you can see she is a grey horse too. I ride Spetter for someone else (someone I consider a good friend!). I enjoy trail rides with her and I develop myself in dressage training in the saddle. She truly is the type of horse that has seen everything and I can always count on her. Spetter is the horse from a client. I communicate with all her animals. And because we think alike and we complete each other in our knowlegde I work together with her.